Friday, November 04, 2005

The New Chapter of My Life

2 days ago, I made a very important decision which may change my entire life. Guess what, I have finally joined California Fitness Club. To others, it may seem like I'm making a big fuss out of nothing. To me, this decision is significant, yet a painful one...

Maybe it's due to the genes inherited from my parents, I have always been of petite build.I don't like myself this way, not at all. Since young, I feel like I've always been looked down upon by my peers. Maybe thats the reason why I'm willing to part with so much $$ just to get into the club. I believe that using this 3 years, I can achieve what I set out to do. I've always been lazy and finding excuses not to work out. I believe only by feeling the pain of parting with so much $$, I will be determined to do whats neccessary.

To fufill this dream of mine, I've actually spent over my budget. Now, I have to be very careful about how I spend,for the next 3 months, in order to clear my bill. Though unwilling, Ihave made the painful decision to keep all outings with friends at minimal. But I feel that all these sacrifices are worth it. If I do not start now, I may never have to desire to do it ever. At the same time, I can spent more time alone to reflect over what I've done, and to think about my future. Hope I can figure all that out within this 3 months. For I know that once I pull through this tight period, I will go back to my fast pace lifestyle again. Also hope that I will have their understanding, for missing out e upcoming events. Pls do not forget me for I'll be back.

All the best to myself!


Blogger Gentleve said...


u can do it if u hav the strong determination...must train hard. once bigger build can find gf liao..kekekeke.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Iris said...

ya, u got to have strong determination till the end, no pain no gain, hee.

as for missing out outcoming events, no need worry, they will understand. take care too...

11:12 AM  

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